Dsco Receiving Orders API
By: Karianne Muckle
Retrieving your Orders via API
If you’d like to retrieve your order data in real time via CommerceHub’s Dsco API, please read our V3 API documentation here. You can also read an overview of how to get started on interacting with our API in the article here.
NOTE: To receive an Oauth token for your integration, you’ll need to reach out to Commercehub’s onboarding support team with your username.
Relevant calls for this step in the onboarding process include:
- Get Order Object
- Get Orders
- Get Order Change Log
- Acknowledge Orders
If you wish to use streams to retrieve order data, please read this documentation on the subject or see the V3 documentation on creating streams.
Packing Slips
Packing Slips for your drop ship orders are auto-generated by CommerceHub’s Dsco platform when each order is created in our system, but are not currently able to be retrieved through API calls. To learn how to download your pack slips from the Portal, please click the Guide Me button above, otherwise please reach out to your retail partner for more information about generating in-house pack slips.
Once you have successfully retrieved and acknowledged all of the test orders in your account, click the VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGING ALL TEST ORDERS button below. You’ll then be prepared to ship orders in the next step.